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Fishers Elementary School is a public school in the heart of Fishers, Indiana. Our role is to empower our students to be fully developed citizens of our community and world.

Through this empowerment, our students will know that their voices matter, no matter their station in life. Fishers Elementary School is a place where students feel safe and cared for by the adults they interact with throughout the school day. 

Students will learn to be understanding of the various needs of others and learn that everyone may be provided different supports to be successful. Learning opportunities will allow students to follow their interests, passions, and desires in their classwork. The activities that are carried out during the school day will help our students be well-rounded citizens in our community. “Citizenship-driven education exposes students to ideas that will challenge them, push them, and help them make sense of a confusing world” (Lehman & Chase, 2015, Building School 2.0, p. 7). 

Fishers Elementary School will, to the greatest extent possible:

  • Provide high-quality learning so that our students may meet Indiana Academic Standards and the curriculum expectations of HSE Schools
  • Maintain a Social and Emotional Learning curriculum to build relationships in our classrooms.
  • Seek each child’s unique identity and create conditions for learning where each child feels safe, cared for, and can flourish & grow.
  • Utilize restorative practices to support all students when mistakes are made.

Collective Agreements:

  • We will provide all students opportunities to contribute their voice and be valued in their ideas.
  • We will proved students with opportunities to wonder about and discover real-world problems and solutions.
  • We will provide pathways that allow students to create something new and/or better.
  • We will provide opportunities for students to work together and learn from each other and our community.

Students who attend Fishers Elementary School will leave with the mindset that they can have an impact on the world around them, and will seek to answer, “What problems can we solve?” 

Brian Behrman

Principal, Fishers Elementary

children on a playground
students learning
students showing their project